Friday, 16 November 2012

Wordpress Trader

I Proudly introduce a wordpress plugin that we adopted recently. Here is a little info on it and what it does!

NFO: Roughly based on Torrent Trader 2.07, WP-Trader is an easy solution for people to run a torrent site. Now it is easier for bands, software makers, authors and etc. to be able to get their work out to their users without the high cost of having servers for product download. We hope this plugin will be usefule for people who do not want to distribute their works through the normal channel which like to act like a mafiaa and not pay the artists what they deserve (we will not mention the companies names but you should know who you are and should not fear us but embrace us). Users of this plugin should only use it to distribute work which they own the rights to. The author(s) of this plugin can not be held responsible for the use of this plugin.
Most people look at a torrent site and say oh well that is how they normally look so that is how i will keep mine. I look at a torrent site and say what can I make different instead of having the same old boring shit.

Most of the config is in the db and at the moment there is two sections for the options in the admin panel. At the moment the announce works but has not been tested for everything like wait classes and freeleech. Torrent browse page is working if that option is set in the admin section. Torrents made into post is working if that option is chosen but still needs work done on how things are displayed and maybe a few things added. Download page is working. On plugin activation a user is made with the username system for anon uploads and other things. Admin panel has a safety feature to not delete the plugin options and data when deactivated but this can be disabled if you want to delete everything.

There are other features added (some can be viewed in the different versions) but at the moment I cannot think of all of them so lets move on to the things not done.

Anon upload needs finishing off in torrent upload and possibly in other places. Need to sort out a cleanup to get the dead torrents to not show up in the post or on the torrent browse. Need to add language pics and pic on post display. Need to do a torrent details page if the torrent browse is being used. (May combine the template for that with the posts) Need to sort a default theme. And plenty of others things will need adding so it can have a lot of the features which torrent trader has. Move the announce to the actual plugin folder.(it is in the template folder so the announce can use permalinks)

Most Active Torrents widget needs fixing. Pagination needs adding for torrent table, peers list and a few other things. (Will try to add in next release)

  1. Download WP-Trader

  2. Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive

  3. Upload /wp-trader/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your site

  4. Visit your WordPress admin panel -> Plugins and activate WP-Trader

  5. Click on WP-Trader and setup the plugin, most settings are already set default but may need some fine tuning for your needs

  6. If you see an error about the announce.php please click the button to move it to the theme folder. If it cannot be moved then please locat it in the /wp-content/plugins/wp-trader/templates/ and move it to your current theme folder

  7. You must update your permalinks to use either “Month and name” option or “Day and name” option or “Custom Structure” or if your using WordPress 3.3 and above you can use the “Post name” option just as long as you have /%postname%/ at the end of the url in order for the announce and scrape to work. Make sure that the post which is made for the announce and scrape keep the names they have because of the limitations of the bittorrent protocol.

  8. At the moment until a css option is added for the wordpress editor in torrent upload the editor will only show up correctly on light color themes, so if it does not show correctly then please disable it on the settings page

Yes, the plugin has been tested on a few themes to see if there is any problems so I would not see why it would not work on any standard theme.


Yes, below is a list of shortcode.

Most Active Torrents [most_active mostactive="most_active_template"] [/most_active]

Latest Uploads [latest_uploaded_torrents latestuploads="latest_uploads_template"] [/latest_uploaded_torrents]

Seed Wanted [seed_wanted_torrents seedwanted="seed_wanted_template"] [/seed_wanted_torrents]

Torrent Browse [torrentbrowse torrent="torrent_browse"] [/torrentbrowse]

Torrent Upload [torrentupload torrent_up="upload"] [/torrentupload]

Torrent Announce [torrent_announce announce="announce_template"] [/torrent_announce]

Torrent Scrape [torrent_scrape scrape="scrape_template"] [/torrent_scrape]

Download Box Of Torrent Post (Needs ID Of Torrent) [torrentdescription torrent_descr="download-box" torrent_post_id="torrent id goes here"] [/torrentdescription]

Description Part Which Consist Of Tabbed Data (Needs ID Of Torrent Post) [torrentdescription torrent_descr="container" torrent_post_id="torrent post id goes here"] [/torrentdescription]


Wordpress Trader


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